Ogasawara Jirou (小笠原 次郎) is one of the main supporting characters of Sasaki and Miyano.
Ogasawara has black hair with blue streaks in the front. He has a rough exterior, with pierced ears and an ear cuff on his left ear, given to him by his girlfriend.
He is usually shown wearing his school uniform without a tie.
Ogasawara is superficially a bad boy, but he is soft on the inside. Though he is very direct with his words, sometimes to the point of being harsh, he also depends on his friends a lot - especially when it comes to emotional support during fights with his girlfriend Yokota Eimi.
Although he has a harsh side within him, he is also very honest and earnest towards the people he cares for and he is not ashamed to admit that he is in love with his girlfriend, despite their quarrels and claims he would never get involved with a woman he had no plans to marry.
Yokota Eimi (横田 永実)[1][]

Ogasawara and his girlfriend.
Ogasawara's girlfriend since junior high. Although they are very close, they are also constantly quarrelling. Prior to the series, Ogasawara finds out Yokota is a BL fan and especially into bad boy ukes: something that worries Ogasawara deeply. As he considers himself a bad boy, he cannot stop questioning whether Yokota is only with him to reflect her fantasies onto him, although she admits to Miyano Yoshikazu that she loves Ogasawara just for who he is and she definitely doesn't want him to be snatched away by another man. Although he is not interested in BL, he often sneaks peeks at her collection to try to understand it, but he usually ends up frightened by her wilder tastes.
Being supported by both of their families, Yokota and Ogasawara spend a lot of their free time together where Ogasawara is always at least a little upset when she spends time with her friends instead and usually turns to his friends for emotional support. She goes to a nearby school and is seen meeting Ogasawara after classes. During his third year, she tutors him in subjects he is weak at.
Although her face is usually obscured, her face was fully seen in Chapter 42.9.
Sasaki Shuumei[]

Ogasawara and Sasaki
Ogasawara's classmate and close friend since before high school where they share a common passion in music and often borrow each others' CDs. They are even close to the point that Ogasawara visits Sasaki's house and accompanies the Sasaki siblings on shopping trips, later receiving hand-me-downs from Sasaki Satoko's boyfriend. However, once Sasaki and Miyano Yoshikazu grow close and Sasaki turns Ogasawara down to spend time with Miyano instead, Ogasawara is upset and suspicious over whether there is something more going on between the two of them. Despite this, Ogasawara holds no grudge and remains close with Sasaki in their post-high-school years while supporting his and Miyano's relationship.
Hirano Taiga[]

Ogasawara confiding in Hirano
Ogasawara's classmate and friend. Although Ogasawara is closer to Sasaki Shuumei, he does also turn to Hirano whenever quarrels with his girlfriend Yokota Eimi. The two commiserate in their experiences of being looked at through BL lenses (supposedly, in Ogasawara's case) by the BL fans around them. Hirano also tutors him, although Ogasawara complains about Hirano being a monster when it comes to studying.

Ogasawara and Miyano after their conversation
Miyano Yoshikazu[]
Ogasawara's junior at school. To Ogasawara, Miyano is simply the fudanshi, but there are no hard feelings. At first, Ogasawara is taken aback that Miyano is into BL, but he quickly notices that Miyano's knowledge could help him improve his relationship with his girlfriend Yokota Eimi, and the two grow slightly closer for it. Ogasawara initially thinks that Miyano is gay and he is the only one in the series to vocalize his thought so directly. After Miyano declines it quickly and Ogasawara apologizes for assuming, Ogasawara remains supportively suspicious of Sasaki Shuumei and Miyano's relationship.
Kuresawa Tasuku[]
Ogasawara's junior at school where they are usually bonding over talking about their girlfriends. Ogasawara is happy that Kuresawa, and by extension Tashiro Gonzaburou, get along with and look up to him.
Ogasawara considers his juniors good guys.
- Ogasawara means "small" (小) (o), "shade, bamboo hat" (笠) (kasa/gasa) and "field, plain" (原) (hara/wara).
- Jirou means "next" (次) (ji) and "son" (郎) (rou).
- Ogasawara can play the guitar.
- Ogasawara is close with his older brother's punk friends.
- In his second year, Ogasawara wasn't even 170 cm tall, but shot up to 180 cm in a short time.
- Ogasawara got his first earrings from his brother, although he was made to do chores for him for a while.
- Ogasawara is in charge of cooking in his family and he is pretty good at it. He makes his own lunchboxes as well as the rest of his family's.
- Ogasawara's image animal is the Doberman Pinscher.
- Ogasawara is described to be good with animals and loved by cats.[2]