Sasaki and Miyano Wiki

Shirahama Kyouji (白浜恭司) is a minor supporting character in Sasaki to Miyano and Hirano to Kagiura.


Shirahama has grey hair and grey eyes. He's typically seen wearing his school uniform, sometimes along with a cardigan or sweater layered over it.


Shirahama generally seems to be an easygoing and supportive friend, though he often complains about couples and wanting to start a relationship.


Tashiro Gonzaburou[]

Shirahama an Tashiro have been friends since going to the same middle school, and are often seen talking to each other.

Miyano Yoshikazu[]

Miyano and Shirahama are friendly with each other, being in the same class, with Shirahama shown to be supportive of his and Sasaki's relationship.


  • Shirahama (白浜) means white beach
  • Kyouji (恭司) means respect, honor, humility (恭); and administer, manage (司).